By Minnie Biggs
Everyone’s reaction is different, and we all largely agree on the brilliance of this production. Just some few personal observations and feelings.
Warwick Fyfe’s German accent and understanding of the language were commanding. In a class of their own. And his acting, almost but not overdone, brought to life a Wotan we could relate to, the human aspects of a God, the felt sense of his actions and agonising decision making. Not to mention his marvellous voice (about which everyone has commented!).
Sarah Sweeting’s Fricka was the most elegant Goddess ever seen by me. Stately Fricka, worthy of being the wife of a God. Her heavenly costume was goddess worthy.
(And coveted by most women.) Not to speak of her rich expressive voice.
The Walküres were never more beautiful, separate voices and personalities, characters, individuals. The utter simplicity of the gathering featured their wonderful voices, and the two extras on poles added sheer delight, not at all gimmicky.
Bradley Daley and Lee Abrahmsen’s Siegmund and Sieglinde had a real connect, love at first sight. We experienced it with them. Convincing, again simple, their acting. No bells and whistles needed in this superb production.
Hardly any need to go to Europe for Wagner anymore.
From the Wagner Quarterly, March 2022