

The following are for new & renewing memberships (1 January - 31 December 2025):

Single membership $75

Single Pensioner membership
A Senior's card is not eligible for a pensioner concession.


Shared membership
Two people with the same mailing address and contact numbers.


Shared Pensioner membership
Two people with the same mailing address and contact numbers.
A Senior's card is not eligible for a pensioner concession.


Student membership
Please provide proof of student status


Please note that members can pay for more than one year if they wish.

How to pay your subscription:

Please pay by EFT using your bank's internet banking facilities to send your payment electronically - please include your name as reference.

Account Name: The Wagner Society
BSB: 032040
Account Number: 911323


New members application form:

Please fill out the form below to apply for membership of the Wagner Society in NSW.
Your membership will be processed as soon as your payment is received.

Please enter the Name of the Primary Applicant.
Please enter the Name of the Second Applicant - For Joint Memberships
Please enter your address
Please enter your contact details so we can reach you.
Please select the type of Membership you are applying for
Enter the characters shown in the image.